Snack: Apple Teeth

Made with our grandkids November 2020


  • apples, cored and sliced (use apple corer)
  • peanut butter (I use Jiff All Natrual)
  • mini marshmallows (white)


Once your apples are cored and sliced into wedges, cut each apple wedge into "thinner" slices.

Spread a little peanut butter on one side of each apple slice.

Arrange a line of mini-marshmallows on half of the slices after spreading with peanut butter.

Then sandwich them together. Press firmly until they stick and you have your teeth!

NOTE: If you want to make your apple peanut butter teeth ahead of time, this is how to keep them from browning.

Soak your apple slices in a saline solution (1 tsp salt in 2 cups of water) for 10 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. This is more effective than lemon juice. Then simply assemble your smiles and store in airtight packaging until ready to serve.