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Chicken Breasts: Parmesan Crusted

Source: Found on Pinterest

A lot of flavor with little effort


  • 4 (5-8 oz.) boneless, skinless check breasts
  • 2 Tbls. butter or olive oil
  • 1 Tbls. Dijon mustard (or a little more if preferred)
  • ½. coarsely grated Parmesan cheese
  • ½ t. ground black pepper
  • salt to taste


Put the chicken between two sheets of plastic wrap or wax paper and pound it out to an even thickness of about ½-inch.

Rub the top side of each breast with Dijon mustard, then sprinkle with half the cheese, pressing lightly so it adheres. Season with salt and pepper. Flip chicken breasts over and repeat on the other side.

Melt butter or warm olive oil in a large non-stick skillet; heat to low-medium heat. Add the chicken to the pan and cook, without moving it, until the cheese forms a deep brown crust on one side (about 5-7 minutes). Use a spatula to flip the chicken and cook until browned on the other side and cooked through (another 5-7 minutes).

Remove from heat and serve.

NOTE: Serves 4