Chia Pudding: Banana

Source: Found on Pinterest

Great for breakfast, snack or dessert.


  • 1 large banana (overripe)
  • 3 Tbls. chia seeds
  • 1 c. unsweetened almond milk
  • 1-1/2 Tbls. pure maple syrup
  • ½ t. vanilla extract

Optional Toppings

  • sliced bananas
  • toasted coconut flakes (heat in a small dry fry pan for a few seconds until lightly browned)
  • mini chocolate chips.


In a medium bowl, add banana and mash well.

Stir in chia seeds and almond milk; mix to combine all ingredients.

Cover bowl and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Then stir again and refrigerate for another 30 minutes.

Transfer to mini jars or serving dishes (sealed or covered) and refrigerate overnight.

Serve with sliced bananas, toasted coconut flakes and mini chocolate chips.

NOTE: Makes 1-1/2 cups or 5 mini jars.

Double recipe to make 3 cups.