My Top Picks

Bagel Sandwiches: Egg, Bacon & Cheese

Shared with me by: Danielle (daughter-in-law)

Thank you Danielle and Ryan for introducing us to these at your house over Memorial Day weekend 2018.


  • 4 bagels (or bagel thins) of your choice, sliced and toasted (we like Thomas Everything Bagel Thins)
  • butter (for bagels)
  • 4 eggs
  • 8 pieces of center-cut bacon (regular or thick)
  • 4 slices of cheese (your choice)


Fry or cook bacon in microwave until crisp. Remove from pan to a plate lined with paper towel to absorb the grease. Set aside.

In a large Teflon coated fry pan, add a little butter or margarine and heat over med-low heat. Crack each egg in pan individually, add salt and pepper to each egg and cook until whites are set and yolks just start to set. Flip over and cook until yolks are hard (no longer runny). Add cheese slice just before yolk sets. Remove pan from burner.

Spread a little butter on inside of toasted bagel halves.

Top each bottom half of toasted bagel with 2 pieces of bacon (tear in half or fold over), 1 fried egg with 1 slice of cheese on top. Cover with top half of bagel and enjoy.

Serve fresh fruit and orange juice.

NOTE: Makes 4. Adjust ingredients accordingly to make more, or less. The Bagel Thins are a little healthier, not so much of the "bad ingredients".